I am still trying to figure out the direction for this blog. I am a web designer and I am not even commiting to a design yet. Yes I am using a template, although nice it is a bit of a cop out for me to use a template. I will update this description when I come up with a direction for this blog.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Dropping the Kids off at the Pool

Okay here it comes. My first blog entry, while taking a crap coincidentally. Yes it is true, I thought the set up process on blogger would be more involved so I thought I would finish registering my blog while I let the brown come down. Hmm... I never thought of myself as a multi-tasker until now. I know how disturbing of a mental image this is, but in some twisted way it is a fitting metaphor for this blog. Yes from time to time I will be taking, or should I say leaving, a mental crap in the proverbial cesspool that is the internet. No not the normal kind of crap one may find. The usual perverse or inane banter will be left to more adult sites. My little commode will be filled with thoughtful and meaningful discourse interjected by a something like a good poop joke (everyone loves a good poop joke). I will most likely comment on topics and ideas that make up who I am and what I do. First off who I am: Christian, Husband, Father, Friend and Dog Parent. Secondly what I do. I am a: Craftsman, Artist, Designer, Print Maker, Carpenter, Furniture Maker, and all around "Fun Have-er". I hope this blog becomes a place where I can at-least put my thoughts and ideas into words and at best be a place where people are challenged to creativley think about christianity, family, and art.


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