I am still trying to figure out the direction for this blog. I am a web designer and I am not even commiting to a design yet. Yes I am using a template, although nice it is a bit of a cop out for me to use a template. I will update this description when I come up with a direction for this blog.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Now that we have gotten our introduction out of the way

Here are the Projects I am currently working on.

ABC Blocks for Isabella:
I have the letter A and part of C done for a set of blocks I am making for my daughter Isabella. I am planing on creating the alphabet and the numbers 0-9. I am carving the letters out of cherry and finishing the wood with a natural oil finish. I may paint portions of the blocks but I am still undecided because of the toxins in paint. I will post pictures of the blocks as I finish them. I may also use the blocks in a print I am working on. I was thinking about inking them up and printing from them.

Series of Prints:
I have started a print that will be the first of a series of work that will focus on life before and after our baby.
I am depicting Diana as a Picasso / Rockwell Kent, like Character, pregnant and miserable. She is sitting on the ground nude with her knees apart and looking down at her stomach. She is Very Pregnant The stylization is not very becoming she is seen as very solid and stone like. this is not a moment of joy. The dogs are Comeforting her, Cinder lays on her leg while Griffin sits close but looks off into the distance. In the background is our half finished house and an airplane jets up into the sky.
I am on that Airplane and it is going back to Charlotte while my wife pregnant and homeless stays behind until I can send for her. This is the first of the series. I will post the progress as it is made.

Picture Frames:
I am making Picture frames for my art work. I want to replace the metal frames the pictures are framed in now. I have two frames built one is on the second coat of oil finish and the other is on the first coat.
The molding for these frames came from our house in Minneapolis. I was going to keep building frames until the stock was all gone, but as I think about it I will keep it for the series I am working on that relates to this time and place in our lives.

More Projects:
Tea Bar
Personal Website
Designing this Blog :-D
Cha Sears Gallery Site
Ediiting Isabella Video Footage
Church Logo
How to make more money ;-)

Okay I have more projects I want to work on but I have to stop somewhere.


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