I am still trying to figure out the direction for this blog. I am a web designer and I am not even commiting to a design yet. Yes I am using a template, although nice it is a bit of a cop out for me to use a template. I will update this description when I come up with a direction for this blog.

Friday, March 11, 2005

"Kill Da Wabbit"

Toby will die and be eaten if we the internet population do not come forth with the desired ransom. Who is Toby you ask? Well for a $50,000 dollar ransom the owner of Toby the rabbit has held his cute and cuddly friend as a hostage. The site has already generated over $17,000. The owner of the rabbit insists that if he does not get $50,000 by June 30th, 2005 he will eat the rabbit.

Elmer Fudd would not be so cavalier if he had caught that “wascally wabbit”. No Fudd would have had a hasenpfeffer dinner party. I can just imagine Fog Horn Leg Horn, Mr. Wily E Coyote, Yosemite Sam, and Daffy Duck sitting around the dinner table devouring Buggs Bunny. The basic desire for justice would far out way any sympathies they may have felt for this tasty creature. So I say in the name of poor old Elmer Fudd let Toby have it, “kill da wabbit”.


Blogger Sherilla Lay said...

the net is full of stories like this one. it is really sad to believe that the online community will donate a million or so for a rabbit.

the rabbit is cute though, the golden fur looks nice with his mustaches.

4/07/2005 8:12 AM


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