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Friday, June 24, 2005

Billy Grahams last crusade

I appreciate Billy Graham as a man that has given of himself, selflessly for the greater good of mankind. Even if you do not believe what he preaches one cannot deny his motivation for his preaching.

You cannot say he is a megalomaniac, Billy Graham does not use his position to elevate himself. Here is a man who preaches, but has no church.
He does not say follow me and you will be better off. He says follow Jesus. He says "I am just another sinnner." Upon meeting Billy Graham at a company picnic, the gentle man introduced himself by saying hi Dr. Graham I am so and so. To which Billy replied well I am not much of a Doctor and my friends call me Billy. This is just one of the many stories people tell about the humility of Billy Graham.

You cannot say that he is motivated by money, because he does not live a lavish life. This is what Muhammad Ali said upon meeting Billy Graham.
"When I arrived at the airport, Mr. Graham himself was waiting for me. I expected a rolls Royce or at least a Mercedes, but we got in his Oldsmobile and he drove it himself. I couldn't believe he came to the airport driving his own car. When we approached his home I thought he would live on a thousand acre farm and we drove up to his house made of logs. No mansion with crystal chandeliers and gold carpets, it was the kind of house a man of God would live in. I look up to him." -Muhammad Ali

You cannot say he is motivated by political power. During the Civil Rights movement in the south Billy Graham took a stand for equality. Politically he could have washed his hands of the hole issue, he is a preacher from the south. And if he was worried about alienating his constituency this would have been the best thing to do. Because he is a man who cares about all people he made his voice heard. "At Billy's 1952 Jackson, Mississippi, Crusade, ropes had been put out to keep seating for blacks and whites segregated (as was common practice for public meetings in the south at that time). Billy Physically took the ropes down, saying, "look, we're all equal before God," and he refused to let them be put back."
-Cliff Barrows

I consider the Greatest men of all time the ones who lay down their lives for others. Men like Billy Graham are to be admired if not for their cause, for their willingness to dedicate themselves to the desire for good and the good of mankind. Evil Megalomaniac dictators come around every few years, but men Billy Graham only come around every few thousand years.


Blogger Joseph Slabaugh said...

I agree. He is a good guy and I admire him.

10/06/2005 7:26 PM


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