I am still trying to figure out the direction for this blog. I am a web designer and I am not even commiting to a design yet. Yes I am using a template, although nice it is a bit of a cop out for me to use a template. I will update this description when I come up with a direction for this blog.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Diana is Painting the Neighbors Deck

Well we did it again, got in over our heads. This Deck is huge.
Diana did a good job bidding the job but made a little extra work for herself by power washing the deck a bit too powerfully. We sanded the railings and the deck boards with these electric sanders to get rid of the pits and raised grain that the washer made.

I bet Diana wishes I could sand off the blisters she got from baking out in the sun. Yes she really burned her back bad, as bad as the time I fell asleep on the deck of a fishing boat in the middle of the ocean while on spring break in Mazatlan. Her back bubbled up and oozed for about three days. She had me pop the blisters and then she wanted me to pull the dead skin off. I had to draw the line at the popping, the pulling the dead skin off was just too freaky.
Well because of the rain we have been having Diana is priming the deck tonight while I watch the baby. I definatley got the better end of the deal.


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